What Do You Mean By Hot-Rolled Steel?


You must be aware of the terms 'Hot-rolled' and 'Cold-rolled'. This material is derived from the same process that is manufactured by pre-engineered building manufacturers in India. The hot-rolled steel has specifications that make it perfect for several applications. It is the cheapest form of steel and has similar tolerance as cold-rolled steel.

A layer of bluish iron oxide forms over the surface of the hot-rolled steel due to the presence of an elevated temperature. Due to this, certain activities like the wielding for removing the mill scale become easier. It is found in several shapes and sizes such as bars, sheets, plates, I-beams, and channels.   

The reason why pre-engineered building manufacturers in India use hot-rolled steel

These steel sections are manufactured by the rolling mills for the purpose of being structural members. They have cross-sectional shapes that are fabricated to the point of erection; hence the name. Given below is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of HR steel.


·         They can be made easily through the heating and cooling process.

·         It is cheaper than cold-rolled steel and is made by the best steel companies in India.

·         They cool down at room temperature. Thus, there is no hassle after the production process.

·         It is free from any kind of internal stress and can be used through the quenching or the work-hardening process.

·         There are different shapes of hot-rolled steel. These include UC, UB, SHS, RHS, flats, etc.


·         There might be certain dimensional disfigurations due to the heating and cooling process.

·         It will have a rough texture which is to be removed before it is coloured.

·         A few imperfect distortions.

Process of preparing the hot-rolled plate

This process begins with the pre-engineered building manufacturers in India who start by casting large steel slabs from the liquid metal. This slab or billet is heated at a temperature of 1700°F and then transformed into a flat sheet using a set of rollers. These rollers would then turn these sheets into coils. The thickness of the billets can vary thus, they are prepared accordingly before they are allowed to cool down.

The best steel suppliers in Chennai claim that hot-rolled steel cools at room temperature. Thus, the final piece might shrink a little and have its sharp edges turned around on its own. This surface has sales throughout and is now finally ready to be shipped.

The process of Cold Rolling

After the hot-rolled steel is cooled down, it does not automatically transforms into a cold-rolled steel plate. There are yet a few steps to be followed for the final product. This stage is known as the 'cold forming'. Here, the plate is re-rolled at the same room temperature and then produced into coils, bars, and tubes by the pre-engineered building manufacturers in India.

Even more additional steps like drawing, grinding, and turning are done to the finished product. Work hardening of the metal turns the metal hard and increases its strength through crystalline defects. A cautionary part that is kept in mind by the best steel companies in India while producing the product is that the heat must be relieved or the product may wrap.

The best steel suppliers in Chennai introduced a new set of welded sections used in the plates due to the development in welding. The open web sections and the castellated beams were developed with the rapid increase in the use of welding.


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